About Us
Salt Ponds Coalition’s mission is to protect and enhance the health of the salt ponds for the benefit of wildlife and people. We are the official State-designated watershed council for RI Coastal Ponds. SPC was founded in 1985 with the creation of our water quality monitoring program, and multiple local groups coming together to protect the ponds more concertedly. We monitor six salt ponds in southwestern Rhode Island: Pt. Judith, Potter, Green Hill, Ninigret, Quonochontaug, and Winnapaug Ponds.​ Our organization is nearly 100% member-funded and is supported by amazing volunteers who serve as Board Directors, Committee Members, Pond Watchers, and Educators for our programs.
Board of Directors
Water Quality Quick Link
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Education Programs
We offer educational programming for people of all ages including field studies for schools and camps. Contact our offices to request an educational program for your organization.
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Become a member to stay informed on salt pond news. You'll receive emails during the year, and three times a year we'll mail you the Tidal Pages Newsletter.
Salt Ponds Coalition has exciting volunteer opportunities, with something for everyone. You can serve on a committee, become a pond watcher, or volunteer at an event or program!